There are plenty of advantages for using a Citizenship and Naturalization Lawyer
Having a Citizenship and Naturalization lawyer prepare your N-400 application gives you the best chance for attaining your citizenship.
A Citizenship and Naturalization lawyer provides you with the right information, feedback, and service that is necessary to properly file your application for Naturalization. Here are a few advantages that a lawyer provides for you:
- An experienced immigration lawyer will have the most up to date knowledge of the rules and regulations that may affect your case.
- An experienced lawyer will be able to evaluate your specific conditions and advise you on the best manner for attaining your citizenship.
- An experienced lawyer will have knowledge of other aspects of immigration law that may cross over with your case, like a conviction history or complicated visa histories.
- An experienced lawyer will know whether applying for naturalization will trigger a removal proceeding.
- An experienced lawyer will have sat through countless naturalization interviews and know how best to prepare the client for their interview.
- A lawyer can contact a USCIS examiner or officer and follow up with the case, or in some cases expedite the supplementing of an application.
- A lawyer is held to a higher standard of professionalism.
For these reasons and many more, you should always consult with Citizenship and Naturalization lawyer when taking actions that can affect your immigration status.