Language Requirement for N-400 application for Naturalization
Applicants for the N-400 Naturalization and Citizenship are required by the examiners and tested on their ability to read, write, and speak words in what is considered “ordinary usage” of English. The standard is set to “elementary”.
Persons physically unable to comply due to permanent disability are exempt from the literacy requirement. The applicant through medical diagnosis must demonstrate the he/she is unable to learn how to speak, read, or write. Old age or intelligence are not sufficient to satisfy the exception requirements.
Applicants who are older and who have been residents for a certain amount of time, may also qualify to have the examination in their native language.
If the applicant is 50 years or older and has been a lawful permanent resident for at least twenty years at the time of filing the N-400, they will be eligible to be examined in their native language.
If the applicant is 55 years or older and has been a lawful permanent resident for at least 15 years at the time of filing the N-400 will be able to be examined in their native language.
Better explained:
50 yrs old and 20 yrs LPR = Examination in native language
55 yrs old and 15 yrs LPR = Examination in native language